The Acubriefs database is made up of citations from several sources (More than 24,000 primarily English citations as of February 2007). In addition to standard database sources such as Medline, a number of pertinent non-indexed journals are subscribed to and indexed in Acubriefs's database. Numerous articles and text books have also had their bibligraphies reviewed in order to help complete Acubrief's database.
We intend the Acubriefs database to be not only the most complete source of acupuncture citations in the English language but also to play a vital role in helping both the researcher and the clinician find and evaluate pertinent citations. This database work was initiated well before the 1997 NIH Consensus Conference on Acupuncture and was utilized as this conference's primary database. MARF board members Russell Erickson, MD and James K. Rotchford MD, MPH were major contributors to the NIH Consensus Conference database. Dr. Erickson enriched the database significantly by creating thousands of annotated abstracts. The work initiated by Dr. Erikson was enhanced and furthered by the Acubriefs Newsletter project.
The online search engine is quite robust but if more detailed or specialized searches are required please look into our Librarian Services.
Journals subscribed to and regularly reviewed: (For detailed information on journals and indexed issues go to Full Text Retrieval).
Databases and online sources reviewed:
Chinese Journals hand-searched with English Abstracts: new as of April 2003: (For detailed information on these journals go to Full Text Retrieval).
- World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion: Chinese Name: SHI JIE ZHEN JIU ZA ZHI
- Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion: Chinese Name: ZHONG GUO ZHEN JIU
- Acupuncture Research: Chinese Name: ZHEN CI YAN JIU
- Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Chinese Name: SHANG HAI ZHEN JIU ZA ZHI
- Chinese Journal of Basic Medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Chinese Name: ZHONG GUO ZHONG YI JI CHU YI XUE ZA ZHI
- New Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Chinese Name: XIN ZHONG YI
- Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Chinese Name: ZHONG YI ZA ZHI
- Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine: Chinese Name: ZHONG GUO ZHONG XI YI JIE HE ZA ZHI
Textbooks whose references were reviewed for input:
- 1. Helms JM. Acupuncture energetics: a clinical approach for physicians. Berkeley, CA: Medical Acupuncture Publishers: 1995.
- 2. Filshie J., White A. Medical Acupuncture. A Western Scientific Approach. Churchill Livingstone, 1998